Vast resources are controlled by a small group, while many struggle to meet basic needs. Those at the top extract surplus value from the labor of workers, profiting disproportionately while the real creators of value receive far less.
Workers produce value through their labor, yet a portion of that value—surplus value—is taken by those who own the means of production. This leads to a constant cycle of exploitation.
People are increasingly disconnected from the products and services they create, alienating workers from their own labor and the final products.
Even fundamental necessities of life are commodified, accessible only to those who can afford them. This system leaves many without access to basic human rights.
The environment is being degraded for the sake of short-term profits, with little consideration for long-term sustainability and the well-being of future generations.
Periods of economic growth are often followed by sudden collapses, leaving many in a state of insecurity while those with capital weather the storms.
Deep divisions between different classes grow wider, with some enjoying prosperity while many others struggle to survive.
Systems prioritize maximizing profits, often at the expense of people’s well-being. By extracting surplus value and focusing on financial growth, human needs are secondary to capital accumulation.
The wealth gap continues to widen, leaving vast portions of society behind while the rich grow wealthier.
Ownership of key resources remains concentrated in the hands of a few, enabling them to dictate economic realities and further perpetuate inequality.
Automation could free us from work, but instead we fear it. Workers are displaced while surplus value shifts to those who control the technology, further alienating people from their labor.
Under commodity fetishism, we no longer see goods for the labor that creates them but as objects imbued with value. The relationships between workers are obscured, replaced by consumption and commodification.
Much of today’s wealth is derived not from tangible production but from fictitious capital—wealth based on financial speculation rather than real economic activity. This creates instability and further widens inequality.